"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Қосшы қаласы бойынша білім бөлімі Тайтөбе ауылының жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
Коммунальное государственное учреждение "Общеобразовательная школа села Тайтобе отдела образования по городу Косшы управления образования Акмолинской области"



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“Hello, English?”


The theme: “Hello, English?”

The aims: To develop pupils’ logical thinking, memory attention. To enlarge their vocabulary, to improve speaking, reading, writing skills

The kind: a competition lesson

Visual aids: interactive board

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and pupils! We are glad to see you at our competition, which will be held in the form of competition between 2 teams. We sure you will demonstrate what you know about English. The theme of our competition is:

“Hello, English”

I see you are a bit tense so first let's sing a song. Now we’ll begin our game lesson at first we should choose the teams names and their captains. Then they‘re presentations of their teams.

Let’s begin

the 1 team is Stars

the 2 team is  Moons

The plan of the games

Our game consists of 6 rounds:

1. Introducing

2. Who is the best?

3. Solve the riddle

4. Do you know?

5. Remove unnecessary words

6. Find antonyms

The first round: “Introducing”(10,5 ұпай)

The Second round: “Who is the best?”(5 ұпай)

1st team captain:

1. How many seasons in a year? (four)

2. The epic novel “Abai” is the work of ……….(Mukhtar Auezov)

3. What’s the capital of America? (Washington)

4. What colors are on Kazakhstan Flag? (blue and yellow)

5. When do we pick fruits? (in autumn)

6. The great Kazakh poet? (Abai)

7. What month is it now? (September)

8. What’s the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

9. Eating in the evening is called what? (Supper)

10. The first capital of Kazakhstan? (Kyzylorda)

2nd team captain:

1. How many months in a year? (Twelve)

2. What is the state language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh)

3. What’s the capital of England? (London)

4. How many days in a week? (Seven)

5. What country do you live in? (Kazakhstan)

6. When is Nauryz celebrating? (The 22nd of March)

7. What’s the season now? (Autumn)

8. What color are the leaves in autumn? (Yellow)

9. Eating in the morning is called what? (Breakfast)

10. What’s the official language of the United Kingdom? (English)

The third round: “Solve the riddle” (5 ұпай)

I do not have wings, but I

can fly. I don’t have eyes, but I can cry! What am I? A cloud

I am made of metal.

You eat steak with me.

I am sharp.

You use me to cut.      A knife

I am a short stick.

I am soft.

I can be white or coloured.

You can write with me on the blackboard.             A chalk

I live in the house.

I eat everything.

I am small and grey.

Cats eat me                                          a mouse

I live in Africa.

I am yellow and brown.

I eat leaves.

I have a long neck.                     A giraffe

I use markers or chalk.

I work in a school.

I have students.

I give homework                  a teacher

The fourth round “Do you know?” (ұпай санын өздері таңдайды)

Carrot, windy, How

are you? Kitchen, holiday, table, How old are you? Newspaper, blackboard, what

is your favourite food?

The fifth round “remove unnecessary words” (5 ұпай)



pear, chicken, apple, banana



tail, mouse, dog, rabbit



airplane, kite, bus, helicopter



sun, green, purple, brown



warm, dry, sky, cloudy



doctor, singer, sunny

The sixth round “Find antonyms” (5 ұпай)


young-old, good-bad, clean-dirty, fast-slow, long-short, new-old, happy-sad

Conclusion. I

think that this competition was very interesting and exciting. (Әділ-қазылар алқаласы ұпай санын санап женімпаз топты

атап құттықтайды)







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